In the event that the precursors of man were to awaken after their long rest of hundreds of years, they would be astonished to see the universe of today. The wonder would be on the grounds that the fast development of science has changed the world to the point of being indistinguishable. 

The advantages gave by science are so various and awesome that they are felt in each branch of life. In the field of medication and medical procedure, it has done some amazing things. It has offered eyes to the visually impaired, ears to the hard of hearing and alleviation to the anguish. 

Horrible infections like plague, little pox, cholera and typhoid have been won. Plastic medical procedure can change an appalling lady into a lovely lady. Heart transfers are presently conceivable. Indeed, even the sex would now be able to be changed. 

Science has empowered man to overcome existence because of which the world has contracted. Man can fly like fowls noticeable all around, swim like fish in the water and travel ashore at an astounding pace. We have vehicles, transports, ships, railroad trains, planes, rockets and shuttles. 

Man has arrived at the moon. Science has upset the methods for correspondence through message, phone, wire, fax and so on Radio, TV, computer games, film, and so on, engage us. Power lights homes, workplaces and any remaining spots. 

The print machine has set in our grasp books, papers, magazines, and so forth, at extremely modest costs. Machines have delivered man from drudgery and from unintelligent and perilous work. 

In any case, it's not possible for anyone to guarantee that science is an unmixed gift. Almost certainly, science has given us information and force yet it has neglected to give us insight. What an incongruity of destiny it is that we have better prescriptions and careful instruments however we have a lot more vulnerable constitutions and well being. 

Man produces tremendous amounts of merchandise yet he doesn't appropriate them equitably. The counterfeit lack of merchandise, storing and exploitative are an unconventional component of the current age. Science progresses yet each one of those things which make daily routine worth experiencing are ignored. 

Horrendous motors of annihilation – long reach mounted guns, mines, u-boats, pilotless rocket planes, nuclear bombs, nuclear bombs, nitrogen bombs – have been concocted and caused ruin. The apparition of war and devastation frequents the world and no one is protected. 

Undoubtedly science is more a revile than a gift. It will keep on being a more prominent revile except if man's inner voice and good development stays up with logical development. Insofar as science keeps on being the handmaid of war, civilisation will undoubtedly be dim surely.
