In the event that we join human existence with nature, we will come to know numerous peculiar things. As the present man is moving ceaselessly from nature, he is failing to remember that incredible force which will bring forth such a major world. At the same time, he is falling prey to diseases, suffering. Destroying his precious health at his hands.

"Happiness and sorrow"

Both of these are essential for our life. Similarly as daylight and shade come. Similarly, joy and distress likewise go with our lives. Yet, one thing that I have been seeing for quite a while is that the person of today is experiencing numerous sorts of horrendous infections. There are many diseases among them, on hearing of whose name the whole body of the person starts shivering with fear.

"For what reason does this occur? How is this dread? For what reason does an individual suffocate in an expanse of tension?"

At the point when numerous such inquiries come and remain before us, we feel very well that this dread of human is conceived from the infection whose way prompts the passing scene.

"How good does life feel" and “Passing the life?"

By its name, we start to jump into the expanse of fear. Our entire body shakes since we would prefer not to pass on. This surprise and attractive world is so much euphoric that we are not prepared to leave it. This is the explanation that at whatever point we become a casualty of some sickness, we feel frightened. There is likewise no uncertainty that

"Demise is indispensable"

No one could stop the demise. All the sages, symbols, prophets have at last been invested in long rest in the lap of this demise, so for what reason would we say we fear passing? 

Since there is likewise a period for death. At the point when nature has given life, the maker has arranged the whole layout of that life alongside the book. Passing is certainly the finish of life, yet unexpected death…?

The explanation behind this might be a slip-up of our own in light of the fact that the hour of life and passing has been written in the laws of nature ahead of time. At that point for what reason would it be a good idea for us to be a survivor of death before time?

"In the event that this is occurring these days, at that point who is at fault?"

The main answer we have for this inquiry is that man himself is the best liable. He has suffocated so gravely in the expanse of delights that he has failed to remember nature also. The one who contacts the sky's moon stars has failed to remember that -

Just nature has the directly over "life and death". A similar nature has given us valuable components like life, water, air, grain, light to live. Not just this, numerous spices, organic products to keep this body sound, Nature has likewise created greens for humankind.

You have life as a body. You will ensure this body yourself. You ought to always remember this. Right now, developing infections are turning into a reason for concern. The underlying driver of this worry is that we are meandering from the way of nature. We have failed to remember that the nature that has given us life has made full courses of action for food. At whatever point we commit errors in food and drink, we feel stung. That is, our health begins decaying. On the off chance that we don't fix it as expected, at that point even a straightforward illness appears as an awful infection.

You have just been informed that nature has restored each illness with these spices, foods grown from the ground. We are running frantically behind science and taking meds that stifle one infection and offer ascent to numerous new sicknesses. Today, more than science, you need such information, with the goal that you can remain safe from sicknesses and if there should be an occurrence of infection, you can treat it effectively and without any problem.
